Studio Legale Duca | Viale Ancona, 12 | 30172 Venezia Mestre | All Rights Reserved. | PIVA 03723760272 | Note legali
Studio Legale Duca.
All Rights Reserved.
PIVA 03723760272
DISCLAIMER This website contains general information regarding Studio Legale Duca, which are published for informational purposes only relating to our office and the workings thereof in the context of basic information. For complete information contact our offices personally. The content of this website is the exclusive property of Studio Legale Duca and it is protected by the applicable copyright laws. Studio Legale Duca disclaims all liability based on any information contained in this website. Studio Legale Duca does not offer a service of on-line legal counselling: therefore any information obtained from this website can neither replace nor is intended to replace a direct contact with its professionals. This website was created and it is constantly adjourned in the full respect of the Italian legal deontological rules; such rules can be viewed at any time at GENERAL CONDITIONS The liability of the lawyers of Studio Legale Duca is limited to the amount which is paid out by civil professional liability insurer.
DISCLAIMER This website contains general information regarding Studio Legale Duca, which are published for informational purposes only relating to our office and the workings thereof in the context of basic information. For complete information contact our offices personally. The content of this website is the exclusive property of Studio Legale Duca and it is protected by the applicable copyright laws. Studio Legale Duca disclaims all liability based on any information contained in this website. Studio Legale Duca does not offer a service of on-line legal counselling: therefore any information obtained from this website can neither replace nor is intended to replace a direct contact with its professionals. This website was created and it is constantly adjourned in the full respect of the Italian legal deontological rules; such rules can be viewed at any time at GENERAL CONDITIONS The liability of the lawyers of Studio Legale Duca is limited to the amount which is paid out by civil professional liability insurer.